Where can I Get a pet turtle?
That's simple, NO!
Many turtles are protected and taking them from the wild is ILLEGAL. Wild turtles need to stay wild. They are terribly afraid of people, usually dying from stress in a fraction of their normal lifespan. Wild turtles may be carrying parasites (like tapeworm and roundworm) and other sicknesses (like salmonella). These are not harmful to the turtle in the wild, but in a closed system like a aquarium can become serious (to turtle and owner alike).
Wild turtles are always going to be wild; they will never make good pets. Do not expect that turtle to get used to you or its narrow confines. For a turtle born free, no matter how large the aquarium tank, it is not a lake and all its tributaries. When you had the whole wide world a rectangular glass box is a prison cell. Taking a wild turtle decreases the number of breeding turtles in a lake or river. As far as that pond, which you took the turtle from, and its turtle population, it is dead. Essentially, you are not allowing this turtle to make more turtles. That cute turtle you took from the lake carries with it the futures of dozens of unborn turtles. It is important to keep wild turtle populations healthy (and numerous), this is how the eastern box turtle was wiped out in New Hampshire.

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