Store in Jacksonville, FL!

Reptile Store in Jacksonville FL

At first my husband and I were extremely fond of CJ's jungle madness, and always promised the staff that we were faithful clientele. One day while browsing through the store as we picked up our normal bag of crickets, we started discussing baby savannah monitors with one of the teenagers who works there. While my husband and this woman were talking, I couldnt help but notice the woman's child squeezing a baby bunny by its waist and shaking it vigorously. The child couldn't have been than four years old but still, it was abuse none the less and extremely unprofessional of the woman who didn't seem to Notice. Me and my husband shared a look of disgust as we walked out the door. Assuming that woman and her child would not be there again when we came back a couple days later. we talked to another staff member about putting a down payment on a baby monitor. (Our down payment was placed in Dec. 2012) She said that we were guaranteed our monitor as soon as possible because the breeders they buy their animals from tend to try and breed monitors throughout the year. So we waited. And waited... Three or four weeks went by and We never got a all from the establishment saying our monitor was in yet. I took it upon myself to call this facility and discuss with them why I hadn't heard anything. When I got ahold of the woman working at the time (the same one with the bunny shaking daughter) she told me she would call her manager and she guaranteed a call back. Did I get one? You guessed it, no. At this point i was rather pissed off. When I called back the woman had an attitude with me so I kindly asked her if I could have my down payment back because at this point I was stern with my decision to never visit CJ's again. She (in a quite snappy manner) told me that they do not do cash back but rather "store credit"... Give me a break, right? So, I was patient and waited a little while longer for a call which I had never gotten. Finally a couple days ago ( march 12th 2013) my husband and I went into another pet store and were elated when we saw that that carrier HAD baby Savannah's, so we went directly to CJ's and used our store credit on things our baby savannah monitor would need, since they would never be giving us our money back anyways. If this isn't enough to make you think twice about shopping at CJ's then maybe this will, when we walked into this establishment for the final time, I had asked the staff member If I could check out their baby hog island boa. The woman replied that the animal was in shed, (which it didn't look like it was, I've had snakes my...

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