6 months ago

Common Tree-snake For sale

Thailand Snake - Red Tailed Racer, Gonyosoma oxycephalum

Common Thailand Snakes

When visiting Thailand on vacation or for a long-term stay there are certain snakes you are likely to see and others that you will probably never see, even if you’re looking very hard to find them. For instance, an uncommon snake is one of the blue coral snakes. I have only seen one blue coral snake crossing a highway between Surat and Krabi – and I was lucky to see that.

(Gonyosoma oxycephalum) This is a fairly large rat snake reaching over one meter in length. It has no fangs to deliver venom, and can be considered harmless for humans. It does bite, of course, so stay out of reach. This is an incredibly beautiful snake with green hues, blue-green eyes, and black and blue tongue. Stunning!

Radiated Rat Snake - Copperhead Racer

(Coelognathus radiata) – These are very common and may even qualify as the most commonly seen snake in Thailand. Non-venomous, not dangerous except they are big biters! Many small teeth. A bite can hurt and get infected.

(Rhabdophis subminiatus) Brightly colored snakes that become more so when agitated. These brightly colored snakes are found in captivity across the globe. They were previously considered non-venomous and not dangerous until recently. Death has occurred as a direct result of envenomation from this species, though not in Thailand.Red Neck Keelback Snake - Southern Thailand In Thailand we have had a number of close calls. Renal failure after bites is one of the possible potentially deadly outcomes.

Other Keelback snakes – Keelbacks are very common ground snakes and love water. You might see them in the water or on the ground moving around. Keelbacks are generally easily identified by distinct black (dark) lines from the eye area toward the jaw. Most keelbacks in Thailand are not very dangerous, but you wouldn’t want to let one bite down for more than a second or two. Remove immediately – even if you have to hurt the snake to do so, especially those in the Rhabdophis genus.

Red necked keelback (Rhabdophis subminiatus) is now classified as a deadly venomous snake. Yellow Spotted Keelback from Southern Thailand Golden Tree Snake - Southern Thailand Thailand Bronzeback Snake Strikes

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Source: www.thailandsnakes.com
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