40 Pet Turtle Names

Pet reptile Names

Pet Reptile Names
Names for pet reptiles. Names that mean crocodile, frog, lizard, slither, toad,
tortoise, turtle, etc. Also see Dragon, Serpent and Snake Names, and Green Color Names.
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  1. SNICKERS: From the vocabulary word meaning "a stifled laugh." Variant: Sniggers.
  2. XIUHCOATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "fire serpent" or "weapon of destruction."


  1. : In Welsh legend, this is the name of a lake monster that King Arthur (or Percival) killed. It is variously described as a demon, a dwarf, beaver, or crocodile. It was said to prey upon anyone foolish enough to swim in its lake.
  2. : Egyptian name, possibly connected to the root pp, meaning "to slither." In mythology, Apep is the personification of evil, seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon. Known as the Serpent of the Nile or Evil Lizard, he was an enemy of the sun god.
  3. APOPHIS (Άποφις): Greek form of Egyptian, possibly meaning "to slither." In mythology, Apep is the personification of evil, seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon. Known as the Serpent of the Nile or Evil Lizard, he was an enemy of the sun god.
  4. BANJO: From the vocabulary word. Good turtle name?
  5. CIPACTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "crocodile."
  6. CRUISER: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) a squad car; 2) like a fast warship; 3) a cabin cruiser; 4) slang for one who travels a lot.
  7. CUETZPALLI: Nahuatl name meaning "lizard."
  8. DENIZEN: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) an animal or plant naturalized in a region; a resident; an inhabitant; 2) one who frequents a particular place.
  9. FANDANGO: 1) Spanish or Spanish-American dance; 2) nonsense, tomfoolery, or foolish behavior.
  10. FUDU: African Zulu name meaning "tortoise."
  11. GONZO: From the Italian word gonzo, meaning "blockhead; simpleton." Sometimes used as a slang term for someone who is "unconventional; different; strange."
  12. JIGGY: An invented name meaning "like a piece of a puzzle." Variant: Jiggie.
  13. JIGSAW: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) a kind of puzzle; 2) a kind of power-driven reciprocating saw.
  14. KOBE: African Swahili name meaning "tortoise."
  15. MACHAKW: Native American Hopi name meaning "horny toad."
  16. MAGMA: From the vocabulary word meaning "dregs, " from Latin magma "dregs of an ointment, " itself from Greek magma "an ointment."
  17. MAGNETO: Either from the comic strip character or the electrical term for a generator in an internal combustion engine.
  18. MEATBALL: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) a spherical mass of ground meat; 2) one who is silly, funny, clumsy.
  19. MEATLOAF: From the vocabulary word meaning " a baked loaf of ground meat."
  20. MONSOON: From the vocabulary word for the southwestern wind that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer. The word ultimately derives from Arabic mawsim "appropriate season (for a pilgrimage), " from wasama, meaning "he marked."
  21. MOONY: Invented name meaning "of or like the moon." Variant: Moonie.
  22. NEXUS: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) a link or tie; 2) a core or center (of communication).
  23. NIMROWD (נִמְרוֹד
  24. PESTER: From the vocabulary word meaning "to bother; to harass."
  25. PESTO: From the name of an Italian sauce consisting of basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, and grated cheese. The word is a contracted form of pestato, the past participle of pestare, meaning "to crush or pound."
  26. RICKSHAW: From the vocabulary word meaning "a two-wheeled carriage drawn by a person." It is an abbreviated form of jinrikisha, a word made popular by Kipling, composed of the Japanese elements jin "man, " riki "power, " and sha "carriage."
  27. SEISMO: From Greek seismos, meaning "earthquake, " itself from seiein, meaning "to shake."
  28. SNAPPER: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) one that snaps; 2) a snapping turtle.
  29. SNARK: From the computer term meaning " system failure."
  30. SWAMI (स्वामी): From the Hindu title of honor, meaning "master (of self), " or "owner of oneself." Many Yogis and Gurus hold this title.
  31. TARGET: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) desired goal; 2) a small round shield; 3) to aim at a target.
  32. TOOANTUH: Native American Cherokee name meaning "spring frog."
  33. ZIPPER: From the vocabulary word zip, for a dog that "moves fast, speedily, quickly."


  1. ANYANG: African Luo name meaning "crocodile."
  2. AWANATA: Native American Miwok name meaning "turtle."
  3. HEQET: Egyptian name of a frog-headed goddess of fertility, meaning "frog."
  4. : Japanese name meaning "tortoise (symbol of long life)."
  5. KAMEYO: Japanese name meaning "tortoise (symbol of long life)."
  6. METHOATASKE: Native American Shawnee name meaning "turtle laying its eggs."
  7. PAKWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "frog."

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Source: www.20000-names.com
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