Pet Amphibians
Amphibians that are kept as pets require proper environmental conditions in order to remain healthy. The most important conditions are water and air temperature. Amphibians do not regulate their body temperature as mammals do, making them very sensitive to climate and temperature. As cold-blooded animals, amphibians regulate their body temperature by shuttling back and forth between different temperatures in their environment. The range of temperatures necessary to maintain health varies between species. Infections and malnutrition are common problems in tropical amphibians kept at less than ideal temperatures. A thermometer and a humidity gauge should be placed in the enclosure so that you can easily monitor the environment. Most amphibians do best at temperatures between 60 to 70°F (16 to 21°C), with humidity at 75 to 80%. However, tropical amphibians may require slightly higher temperatures (75 to 80°F [24 to 27°C]) and humidity (85 to 90%). Your veterinarian or the store where you purchased your amphibian should be able to tell you the appropriate range for your pet.

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