White & Yellow Leopard Gecko

Types of geckos pets

Lygodacylus williamsi geckos definitely deserve their common name of electric blue gecko, although it is only the males who sport the brilliant blue colour, females range from drab brown to green. These small lizards were discovered in the Kimboza forest of Eastern Tanzania in the 1950s and it appears to be the only place on earth where they can be found.

Unfortunately their natural habitat is being destroyed by logging, so their numbers in the wild are likely to diminish alarmingly. As of March 2012 export of wild caught lizards has been completely banned, so all future pets will have to come from captive breeding the small number of lizards already exported. After the ban their prices have soared, however as more are bred they might well fall down again.

Overall this is a rather welcome development since captive bred geckos are far more hardy and easy to keep than wild caught animals.

The electric blue gecko is often referred to as a day gecko, but it does not belong to the genus Phelsuma, so is not a true day gecko. However its care is very similar to Phelsuma geckos, it is also active during the day, requires a tall, planted tank, and eats insects and nectar. Males are territorial and only one should be kept in an enclosure.

The geckos communicate through a series of chirps, inflating their throats, bobbing their heads and wagging their tails. They are bold geckos, easily tamed, and although too small and fragile to be handled, will learn to climb onto their owners hands and take food from it.

Source: hubpages.com
My best Leopard Geckos of 2014
My best Leopard Geckos of 2014
Museum of Science Gecko Exhibit
Museum of Science Gecko Exhibit
What type of leopard gecko do i have please watch
What type of leopard gecko do i have please watch
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