Best pet geckos
The Rhacodactylus ciliatus is a newer gecko that has become very popular among keepers. They come in a wide variety of colors ranging from harliequin, flame, brindle, pinstripe, tangerine orange, red, and pastels.
This species of gecko originates in New Caledonia, which is why they are commonly called the New Caledonia Gecko. This gecko species is an arboreal species that prefers height over surface area.
From snout to taill, crested geckos can grow to about 8 inches in length, but it's most common to have them about 4 to 5 inches, excluding the tail. When crested geckos drop their tails, they do not grow them back; it's not uncommon to find breeders and pet stores selling crested geckos without tails. It is thought that they will live about 10 to 15 years in captivity.
At a minimum, one adult crested gecko needs a 15 gallon tall aquarium. Many keepers will take a 20 gallon long tank and turn it on its side to stand up. Kritter keepers are great to use as housing for babies and juveniles. These guys do best when housed individually.
It is very important that you have plenty of foliage and climbing places for the gecko, as without ample hiding places, they can develop 'floppy tail syndrome, ' which will affect the way the tail falls.
Crested geckos do best on a diet of Crested Gecko Diet, which is a meal replacement. You can feed them crickets on occasion, but on CGD, crickets are not necessary. Never feed a crested gecko baby food, because there is not enough nutrients in baby food to prevent MBD and other illnesses Baby food is formulated for human babies, not reptiles, as a staple diet.

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