Live spiders for sale
Originally Posted by RWG Where are you at that people actually pay for Black Widows?
If you could actually sell one for 10 bucks, I can provide you with an almost unlimited supply of them.
Around here, they are quite easy to find if you know where to look.
is one such a place. There are many other websites.Widows with egg sacks can fetch up to 35.00 for a set of mother and egg sack. So if you have a bunch, try it. There are people that Raise and sell these guys. LOL.
Just type bugs for sale, or arachnids for sale and many sites will pop up. They are genuine bug dealers/breeders, of which many sell to stores and zoos. Get in business for yourself dude!! If you have a bunch of them, dropping the price ought to make your sales a lot faster!!! And you can make money getting rid of your spidey problem.
Back around 1995, I made 100.00 spare cash, in two months time, by catching and selling mostly praying mantids and their egg sacks.. Egg sacks can fetch as much as 10.00-15.00 each and costs barely nothing to ship. The more Rare the Mantis, the more money its egg sack fetches. I also made a good size shipment of grasshoppers for someone's large lizards. Those are a little harder to chase down and keep alive during the hot part of the summer and ship, but they can also be frozen and stored for fish bait for the winter, and I sold some that way too. Big Bass cannot resist a big hopper, live or dead!!
Check for yourselves. Everyone thought I was joking here and you will find I am not. It is spare cash in times of need for someone that really has the gall to go catch a bug or two. I even made a good portion of money selling a few ants that people wanted for ant farms they buy. The hard part is getting to the queens, because without the queens, the colony dies. And you get stung a few times getting into the jars. I was provided the gallon jars by the person wishing for the ants and payment to fed ex them.
As soon as my postman gets here, I will be getting a money order that I gave him the money for last Friday, to send to Stormfront for my subscription to this part of their site. I do not wish to disrespect Stormfront in any way when it comes to this. So to let them know, I have meant no harm here.
My spider is no longer up for sale. I am very happy with her. Until she makes and egg sack that is? Then I will find a new home for her, before she has babies in my house. The last one I did have to get rid of, because that is exactly what she did, and 1300 babies would have been born and crawling out of the air hole in the jar she was in and loose in my house? I could not even handle that thought, so I set her loose, jar, egg sack and all, in an old falling down barn. I had not heard of selling them at that point...
Years later I was driving by and the fire department was out there doing a controlled burn on that old broken down barn, and I thought about that Spider. UH OH!!
To be honest with you, if you live in the right places of the world, some bugs are so rare, that there are people that will pay Thousands of Dollars for a particular bug!!! KID YOU NOT!
I was actually made an offer of 800.00, by a zoo to provide them all the different kinds of beetles I could find in my area. I declined, because I do not know how to take care of a beetle, it also sounded like too much work because I would have had to go down in the woods to find the majority of them... And I was too new to know how to safely contain all of them, feed them and ship them safely.
I know it sounds crazy that one can sell a bug or two and make money, but do not knock it until you actually try one of these websites, because it is for real. Reputable dealers/breeders make a fortune supplying zoos with bugs for the lizards and other kinds of creatures that zoos keep. Others are just collectors or people who have special animals they must feed and a pet store may not supply their needs.
I know I got laughed at here over it, but Sir, go check out the website I provided, and there are others, post there too. Start catching spiders. Wolf spiders go good. You can get 3.00 each for those. A Stupid spider! You would be amazed. I thought I had heard it all.. until I actually made money myself!!!
I just checked the site I gave you, if you will find arachnids close to the bottom of the forum, (xenesthis13) wants about 80 black widows, black with the red hour glass, the southern kind. The same kind I have, so if that's what you have, you can sell all you got!!! I am sure for Bulk spiders, he will not pay as much as I asked for My singular spider, but you can see where someone is asking 12.00 for a Red Widow. And they will get it!! Good Luck with Sales. Hope I helped you! And when you make money off of your spiders, please come back and let everyone know, I did not lie. I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I never came here to BS anybody, tho it really sounded like it. Now I showed you something you never expected. And if there are people out there without a job and doing hard luck times, those few extra dollars you can make from a few bugs can buy you a loaf of bread and lunch meat for a week. Back in 1995, I had to get creative due to circumstances. I had no job, no transportation, lived 25 miles from the nearest town to go to work??? And I am a woman. When I did find a job, I hiked every day 50 miles to and from to work, until I got me a truck. But selling a few bugs actually helped me get my water turned on, and fed me. And no one on earth would think that selling a few bugs could help you in this regard. So I do not appreciate being raked over the coals for my Black Widow. When I can tell you a few things about something You do Not know. You just gotta be brave enough to go catch said bugs, know how to properly care for them, and find a home for those who would love to have them.

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