Popular pet lizards

Leopard gecko| |

Leopard Geckos
Leopard geckos are one of the most popular lizards kept as pets – especially for first-time reptile owners. They require a small living space, are hardy, easy to maintain, and can have long life spans if cared for properly. Leopard geckos are very docile and generally can be handled without needing to worry about aggression.

Food preferences vary from gecko to gecko. Leopard geckos are notorious for changing their food preferences as they get older. One week they may love crickets, and the next week they may hate them. With this said, most of the time owners will mix up their gecko’s diet by feeding a combination of crickets, worms, and other feeder insects. Having a varied diet should keep your gecko interested in the insects you choose to feed him/her. One fact that stands true is that they only eat insects.

Habitat Tips


Keep fresh water in a shallow dish Young geckos must be misted

Tank Size

1 gecko: 10-gallon tank 2 geckos: 15-gallon tank 3 geckos: 20-gallon tank


    Day Basking temp: 87-90° Overall tank temp: 74-80° Night – Overall tank temp: 70-75°

Lighting – Infrared basking lamp: 50-75 watts, depending on tank (10-20 gallons)

Humidity: 20-40%,

Increase air flow to lower humidity Add extra water dish/moist moss to raise humidity


Reptile cage carpet Tiles/flat stones Butcher’s paper

Bearded dragonBearded Dragons
Bearded dragons make great pets because they are gentle by nature and rarely become aggressive towards humans. They are easy to maintain, are quite hardy, don’t require much exercise, and normally enjoy being handled by their owners.

Young dragons will need to eat more insects than vegetables because they are still growing. Their diet consists of 70% insects and 30% salad. Feed insects to young bearded dragons three times per day. Give them as many insects as they will eat within a 10 to 15 minute time period. Once this period of time is finished, remove the remaining insects from the tank. Typically, a juvenile bearded dragon can consume anywhere from 20 to 60 crickets (or other insects) each day!

Dragons older than one year do not need to consume as many insects as a younger dragon. Their diet consists of 70% salad and 30% insects. Overfeeding an adult dragon can cause him/her to become overweight. Feed insects to adult dragons once per day.

When you feed them their insects, give them as many as they will consume within that 10 to 15 minute time period and then remove the remaining insects. Adult dragons should always have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Safe Vegetables & Fruits for Bearded Dragons
Vegetables are an important part of a bearded dragon’s diet. Adult dragons will eat more vegetable than insects. Select vegetables that will maximize the dragon’s vitamin needs. Though not an essential part of a dragon’s diet, they will also consume fruit as well.

Great vegetables you can feed your dragon:
• Carrots
• Celery
• Peeled cucumber
• Raw cabbage
• Raw bell peppers
• Mustard green

Great fruits you can feed your dragon:
• Peeled apples
• Cherries
• Blackberries
• Pineapple
• Strawberries
• Watermelon

Water – Mist the dragon 2-4 times a day, they will drink the small droplets

Baby dragons: 20 gallon tank 10-16 inch dragons: 40 gallon tank 16-20 inch dragons: 50-75 gallon tank 20 inch+ dragons: 75-120 gallon tank Day Basking temp: 95-110° Overall tank temp: 85° Night Overall tank temp: 70-75°


Full Spectrum (UVA & UVB) light Basking Lamps: 50-150 Watts, depending on tank (20-120 Gallons)

Humidity: Maintain low humidity with screen tank cover

Reptile cage carpet Butcher’s paper Paper towels
See also:
  • Texas apostille
Source: chuckanddons.com
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