Baby box turtles for sale Cheap

Box Turtle
Terrapene sp.These terrestrial turtles are members of the pond turtle family, and vary greatly in appearance. There are Eastern, Gulf Coast, Florida, Mexican, Three-toed, Ornate, Desert, Yucatan, and Spotted Box turtle species.Range: Box turtles originate entirely within North America, mostly within the United States. North Carolina and Tennessee honor the Eastern box turtle as their state reptile, while Missouri voted the Three-toed as its state reptile, and Kansas named the Ornate box turtle its state reptile.Physical Description: The coloration and patterns vary greatly from species to species, however, the general dome-shaped shells are standard. Their overall behavior is essentially the same across all varieties.Size: Generally their shells reach lengths of 4-7 inches as adults. Babies have shell lengths of 1-inch to 1.5-inches. Females are generally larger than males.Behavior: Babies and adults are both active animals, and feed readily throughout the day. They avoid high heat and dry conditions. They learn their keepers voice and appearance as well, helping form a bond, usually through food offerings.Enclosure: Adult Box turtles require a hide spot (humidity is very beneficial), water dish, and basking spot with UVB lighting (for proper shell and bone growth). It’s important that box turtles are not allowed to spend time in a dry environment—their eyes will temporarily seal shut. Prevention is worth a pound of cure in this regard. Eye infections can ensue if you allow dry eyes to persist.

We keep our baby Box turtles in an enclosure with damp sphagnum moss on one end, a water pool in the middle, and a basking spot on the other end. Babies tend to hide for periods of time, usually buried within the substrate, which is totally normal.

Heating & Humidity: Humidity is beneficial to their overall health; mandatory really. Lighting: UVB lighting is mandatory for proper shell and bone growth.
Feeding: Babies tend to be more carnivorous, consuming mealworms and waxworms very readily. However, adults tend to be more omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal material. This includes leafy greens, grapes, carrot, and various insects and worms.Breeding: Box turtles generally will breed without provocation when kept together in outdoor enclosures (the seasons trigger their breeding behavior). One male can service 4-5 females without issue. 4-6 eggs are buried in the dirt and generally hatch within two to three months.Price Range: We offer babies to adults, priced from $74.99 to $124.99, and all are captive bred. Please peruse our available .Species Notes: The lifespan of Box turtles can exceed 100 years!Summary: Box turtles are perhaps the most beloved pet turtle species in the world, due to their personable nature, long lifespan, and captive success.
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