Jeep Wj Akebono Calipers

Cheap exotic pets for sale

Don't miss out! I need the space and am getting out of the camels. Mia is the perfect girl! Mia is 7 years old and is WHITE she's in need of a bath to really see how white she is. She is a great momma and raises white babies before. She is bred currently not far along but is bred. Mia is halter broke and leads great! She LOVES attention! She's a great camel for anyone! We have sat on her bareback before without any issues! She's young and has a wonderful disposition but I need the space she's in! This is the only reason she's forsale I sold our bull and she is ready to go to her new home. Will trade for red kangaroos or monkieys or other smaller exotics.
Phone: 336-467-3888
Location: olin
I need to find a new home for this guy, since I don't have enough room for him. He's almost a year old. tame, with a friendly disposition, and likes to explore. He'll nibble playfully at your fingers, but never bites hard. I don't have a cage to sell with him, but will include dust bath and pellets. Asking 0 Please text me if you are interested
Southern Oregon
We have Egyptian fruit bat males available. We have too many males so we don't have any females available right now. They are 500.00 ea. They have been a closed colony for many years but now we need some new blood and to downsize our male population. shipping could be arranged and all costs of shipping handling and crate would be the buyers responsibility. We would be willing to trade for females. Serious inquiries only please.

Please note bats are colony dwellers so for the welfare of the bats we will only sell 3 or more as a group unless you have other Egyptian fruit bats. There are price reductions for multiple bought.


717 779 8375
Trying to make some room so I'm debating selling my colony of cavies

2 males and 4 females. These are young. Hoping they are pregnant now. They have been running with each other since November.

Selling in trios 1 male and 2 females

$1000 per trio. 2 trios available.

These are breeder or exhibit animals. Not pets. They are healthy but not friendly

Phone calls ONLY 717 779 8375

Can deliver to mt hope in March if deposit is received

Nice young starter colony of one male and 3 female Egyptian Fruit Bats.

Very interesting display or exhibit animals.

00/ group of 4 (0/ea)

Trades considered, shipping available

Email if needing more info

(386) 795-2098
Lake Mary
I bought two gorgeous Chinchillas as babies from a friend, so they have been hand raised. I've had them for over a year now and would love to keep them together. I bought the king of all cages, the Critter Nation two story cage. I'd like them to stay in that since they are so accustomed to it and it was also $300. I have one light grey one, she's practically a dog, and one black one that doesn't care much about anything, They both have very strong personalities and loved to be pet and scratched behind their ears and under their chins. They like to be held then hop on your shoulder, sometimes the top of your head. I have to sell them because I have to move to Maryland and they can't come with. I would Love for them to go to someone who will have enough time management to acknowledge them for attest 20 min every two days. They do need* their daily feed, hay, treats & clean water. Can't forget, A DUST BATH IS WHAT KEEPS THEM CLEAN! I'm asking $500 because the I paid $200 each for my Chinchillas and $300 for the cage. The best way to contact me will be through phone, text is best.

(386) 795-2098

Please consider this carefully, they need attention every other day & should be acknowledged daily.

We have Egyptian Fruit bat for sale. We currently only have males. They are from a closed colony and, have been closed for 10+ years. They are from a breeding colony so they are not tame and wont make good handle able pets. 500.00 ea. Bats are colony dwellers so we will only part with at least 3 unless you have other Egyptian Fruit Bats. Please e mail for more info. Please serious inquiries only. Thank you
I already listed this but I didn't give enough descripiton.They are 2 year old male chinchillas. They are brother. Pebbles is a Dark gray possible ebony carrier and Kiwi is a Mosaic with 1/4 gray tail. Kiwi is shy and doesn't run up to the door, but will come up right once he sees his brother (Pebbles) coming up. Pebbles comes up to the door right away, especially if he thinks you have food.They are AMAZING when being handled, they sit so much more still than my other chinchilla, who loves to run.I am selling them with their $200, double unit critter nation. I want them along with their cage and all of their supplies for $300, but I am willing to take offers.I will not separate them.Their hammock is chewed up, along with their wood hut and one of their pans, their previous owner did not take good care of them, so when I got them, they had terrible fur, their pan was chewed up, and their hammock was falling apart. They came with very few things, and I haven't bought much extra except for chews, ledges, better food and hay, better dust bathe, etc. They have fleece as their bedding.I would really love for them to go to a nice home with a good family who can properly care for them.
I need to re-home my female chinchilla, Sofie, because I will soon no longer be able to care for her due to my busy school schedule. Sofie is very energetic and loves to explore. She comes with her cage, bedding, dust bath supplies, water bottle, and food. I just no longer have the time to care for her and give her the attention that she needs. I am looking to get $250 for Sofie and all of her supplies, but I am willing to negotiate.
Last piglet left.

He goes to the bathroom in one corner of his own and would be easy to litter box train. He is dewormed and not neutered

Will grow to be around 40 to 45lbs

Basset hound size

Call or text 717 779 8375

Pickup in Brogue pa 17309

$200 obo make offer would like him sold soon

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