Healthy Tame Capuchin Monkeys

Exotic pets For sale online

Several breeding pairs of flying squirrels available. Can make trios and quads also. Established colonies and successful breeders. Can ship. Call or text 210-241-1856
Website: Cypress Grove zoological
Phone: 404-821-7288
Location: Atlanta
2.0 PREVOST'S SQUIRREL There on the bottle eating great 4 weeks old. Ready for their new home very soon we are USDA license facility these would make great pets or education animals serious inquiries only thanks asking $1250.00 each
(954) 729-1554
We have a 4year old Squirrel monkey for sale.

He was parent raised, is very healthy /friendly would make a grate exhibit, breeder, companion Animal. Not a pet!

We are a USDA licensed facility.

San Marcos
Male and female adult flying squirrels for sale.

One colony available, 10 females and 5 males. I also have individual pairs of male and female.

These are not tame pets, they are for breeding or display only.

Shipping is available if you are out of state.

Baby squirrel monkey female ready and available. Eating real good and full of energy. Comes with USDA Paperwork and health certificate.I will personally teach you how to take care of your new baby. For information call 9 Omar Villarreal
Danny Kolwyck
Lake city
I have a pair of squirrel monkeys I want to sell, both are 2 years old. Asking $6500 for the pair. Breeders only, mother raised, not pets. Please call Danny for more information. Will make a great display or future producers.

Billy waddle
325 642 9549
Male Squirrel Monkey 3, 000
We have a young ( under a year), parent raised, intact male squirrel monkey available. He is not tame and not being sold as a pet. He is better suited as a breeder or exhibit animal. We are asking 3000, Florida sales must provide their class 3 license .
Babies ready to go now, email me for more info. These will sell out very fast. All of our babies are hand raised. They come with a care guide, health warranty, sample of squirrel seed, hand feeding supplies and nursery container. Babies are only available for a short period of time and they sell out very quickly. We are located just outside of San Marcos, Texas. If you are out of state and would consider safe airline shipping we do offer same day shipping service through the airlines, you pick up at your closest major airport. Thanks!
Baby flying squirrels available, male and females. Our babies come hand fed and human socialized. Licensed breeder. Babies come with health warranty and starter kit. Shipping is also available.
Gulf Breeze
I have two very tame six week old bottle raised males, and one bottle raised 3-1/2 month old male who is not as tame but is very calm will eat from your hand. will trade one male for female or sell two males, keeping one mail for my zoology classes. I will have females from the next batch.
They are $1, 000 ea. if you take two $900.00 ea. Let me know if you want them, thanks, God bless!
Baby prevost bottle raised, just weaned
3 month old male, bottle raised very calm
call for price, or will trade one male for female. These are young from imported stock.
Will send pictures.
Thank you and God bless.

Pet Squirrels

Native to the Americas, Africa and Eurasia, squirrels belong in the Sciuridae family. This family consists of tiny to medium sized rodents including flying squirrels, tree squirrels, chipmunks, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots and woodchucks. According to zoologists, dated back in Eocene, the earliest known squirrels are very close relative to mountain beaver and dormouse.

Though squirrels can live in every climate, global warming and continuously changing habitat conditions may cause some trouble for them. Squirrels are very adaptive in nature, because of this quality they can live in some of the harshest parts of the world. While Ground squirrels can be found living in two of the hottest deserts in the world, Mohave Desert and Kalahari Desert, Arctic ground squirrels have evolved to thriving in extreme environments.

A suitable and specious cage is very essential for squirrels. While adult squirrel needs a bigger cage to climb around, babies require a small cage so they don't hurt themselves. At least 3' tall cage without much shelves and ladder will be ok for your pet. A cage having enough climbing room and some stick of wood to chew on will be a nice housing for squirrel.

Keeping some hardwood stick in cage is a good idea as it plays an important role for squirrel's dental health and teething babies. You can drape fabric over the back and top of the cage, as it makes squirrel feel more secure.

You can also keep newspaper on the bottom of the cage. Squirrels need a lot of space to roam around freely and as keeping them inside the house is not a good idea, you must think of an outdoor cage.

These tiny pets have strong teeth which help them to chew almost everything, so make the doors of the cage a little tough to open. If you have an outdoor cage, make sure that they are well-protected from the sun, wind, rain and other animals. If you don't want to keep your cute pets in cage, nest box and hammocks are also considered as a good housing for your squirrels.

In order to make a comfortable place to sleep, you can keep shoe box with a folded blanket or other soft material in the cage. You can put your old T-shirt in the nest box to make a good bed for your pet. Don't use towels as squirrels can get claws caught in the loop of thread. Change or wash the T-shirt once a week.

When it comes to baby squirrel you have to be more careful. Babies cant thermo regulate themselves that means they can't keep themselves warm without assistance or help. Putting a heating pad inside the cage is a good idea but make sure that the temperature doesn't go up 100 degree Celsius. Never feed a cold squirrel as they can't digest food.


Being active is very important for their overall health and well being. Just like human being, your little pets may also need some playtime and exercises.

Exercise and playing: To keep your little pets healthy and active, you can put some stuffed toys of their size in the cage and nest box, squirrels love to wrestle with the small toys. You can attach some tree branches or natural wood bird perches to the side of their cage. It will give them a natural home like feeling.

See also:
Exotic Pets - Ferret
Exotic Pets - Ferret
Exotic and Unusual Pets - African Pygmy Hedgehog
Exotic and Unusual Pets - African Pygmy Hedgehog
Zhu Zhu Pets For Sale Online
Zhu Zhu Pets For Sale Online
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