Sulcata tortoise for sale

Tortoise for sale

Shipping Size: EXTRA LARGE

Pricing: 1 or more:

3: We have one 11 pound, 11.5" Aldabra Tortoises with one minor extra rear scute & other wise perfect: *The two Aldabra's that we have available have become good friends & enjoy each other's company - with this in mind, we would offer a $100 discount per tortoise if ordered together. *Please call to place this order* ***Sorry this Tortoise has been ordered***

Pricing: 1 or more: $3, 795.00/ea.

4: We have just one 16.5", 35 pound, six year old, perfect shelled Aldabra Tortoise available: *The two Aldabra's that we have available have become good friends & enjoy each other's company - with this in mind, we would offer a $100 discount per tortoise if ordered together. *Please call to place this order*

Shipping Size: EXTRA LARGE

Pricing: 1 or more: $8, 995.00/ea.

Overnight UPS Shipping

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Home for Sale - Columbia SC - 116 Tortoise Trail, Turtle Creek
Home for Sale - Columbia SC - 116 Tortoise Trail, Turtle Creek
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Tortoise for Sale!
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