Pets Chameleon sale
If you stumbled across this blog post, it’s probably because you’re looking for veiled chameleons for sale online. While I have your attention, I’d like to point out a few things about the care and keeping of veiled chameleons.
In my experience, most people who bring these lizards home as pets don’t fully understand what it takes to care for them. As a result, the chameleon will suffer and eventually die. Every year, thousands of chameleons die in captivity for this very reason.
Here’s how it typically happens. A person will see a veiled chameleon for sale on a website or in a pet store and say: “Oh, they’re so neat! I want to keep one as a pet. They must be fairly easy to care for, or the store would not sell them.”
But then the new keeper takes the lizard home and begins to realize what it takes to keep them healthy in captivity — and it takes a lot! In many cases, the keeper is unable to provide the proper care, so the veiled chameleon dies with month of being brought home.
In truth, “chams” are one of the hardest lizards to take care of in captivity, if not the absolute hardest. I have kept a variety of reptiles as pets, and the chameleon was by far the hardest. Granted, it was also one of the most interesting pets I’ve ever kept. But it was also a lot of work.
I kept my chameleon alive for several years, which is far beyond the average life expectancy for a captive veiled chameleon. In the words of my reptile vet, “You’ve done a lot better than most people.” In the wild, these lizards will live for five to eight years on average. But in captivity, most do not live more than 18 months because of improper care.
Why are they so hard to care for in captivity? Well, to answer this question, you simply have to understand how these lizards exist in the wild. Veiled chameleons come from parts of the Middle East, where they spend most of their time in treetops, soaking up the direct sunlight and eating a wide variety of insects.
This brings up two of the biggest challenges of keeping a veiled chameleon — you must ensure it has access to full-spectrum lighting and warm temperatures, and you must offer it insects on a daily basis. Ideally, you want to offer a variety of insects for proper nutrition, which means you will essentially have an insect “farm” in your home.
If you have read all of the information above, learned all about the care requirements for this species, and you still want to take on the challenge … then it’s all I can do to point you in the right direction. Here are some tips for finding healthy veiled chameleons for sale by using the Internet.
First of all, I would recommend avoiding most pet stores altogether. I’ve seen how veiled chameleons are kept in places like Pet Smart, and they are not ideal conditions. Not by a long shot. So, in my opinion, your chances of getting a healthy specimen from such a store are pretty slim.
Instead, I recommend buying your veiled chameleon from a professional breeder, somebody with a reputation for producing healthy animals. Starting with a healthy animal is the first step to success when keeping these lizards. Understanding their care requirements is the second step to success.

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