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Can live to be over 30 to 40 years old! “Jumbos” are thought to already be over 20 years old.
1-5 inches
* If temp falls below 75 degrees at night, may need supplemental infrared or ceramic heat.
Most pet land hermit crabs in the United States are Caribbean hermit crabs (also commonly known as Purple Pinchers) Coenobita clypeatus. They are also called Soldier crabs, tree crabs and Caribbean crabs. Other land hermit crab species include:
Hermit crab species that typically prefer shells with circular openings include:
Indonesian hermit crabs, or “Indos” (Coenobita brevimanus)
Caribbean hermit crabs, or “Purple Pinchers” (Coenobita clypeatus)
Strawberry hermit crabs (Coenobita perlatus)
Rugosus hermit crabs or, "Ruggies" (Coenobita rugosus)
Hermit crab species that typically prefer shells with oblong or D-shaped openings include:
Ecuadorean hermit crabs, or “Eccie” (Coenobita compressus)
Viola hermit crabs (Coenobita violascens)
Cavipe hermit crabs, or “Cavs” (Coenobita cavipes)
Blueberry hermit crabs (Coenobita purpureus)
All of these species are available in the pet trade. Just to be on the safe side, it is advisable not to mix the species together in the same habitat. It is also advisable to choose crabs that are a similar size as one another. Land hermit crabs cannot breed in captivity, so all hermit crabs available in the United States for the pet trade are imported.
Nocturnal (most active at night). Docile and tolerant; can be handled, but excessive handling may cause stress to the animal. Hermit crabs should NOT live alone. They are colonial creatures and do best in captivity when living in a group of three or more. It is possible to tell the difference between male and female crabs, but they must be out of their shells in order to do so. However, it is not necessary to sex your crabs when purchasing them for the same habitat. Males and females get along fine, not matter the combination. Also, there is no danger of your crabs over-reproducing, as land hermit crabs cannot breed in captivity. Hermit Crabs are very clean - they defecate into their shell, then occasionally “scoop their poop” out with a back leg, usually all in one place. This makes spot cleaning the enclosure very easy.

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