Reptiles Make Great Pets

What lizards Make the best Pets?

1- corn snake: relatively small (adult 3-4 feet). Very pretty. Harmless! Readily available in many color morphs at about the same price. Easy to care for. Usually docile. Does not require special UV light, but does require ability to have temperature of about 80F. Only real issue is they require mice for food. Usually live, but can be trained to eat thawed out frozen. Only eats (and poops) once a week.

2- bearded dragon. Modest sized lizard. Can be amazingly docile and calm, often happily perching on your shoulder. Does require special UV lights. This is not negotiable. Also requires daily feeding (or every other day perhaps). Needs some insects (crickets) but also eats some lettuce (not iceberg). Interesting, and relatively intelligent.

3- African spur thighed tortoise.(sulcatas). Docile, readily available. Can be housed outdoors in warm climates. Vegetarians, eat large amounts of various fruits and vegetables. UV (if indoors) not essential, but highly beneficial and strongly recommended. These do get VERY large (over 100 pounds). However, even the largest are not dangerous, but may be hard to keep indoors. If you prefer small, buy a baby and trade it in a few years later. The value of the larger ones make most breeders happy to exchange them.

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