Buy pet frogs
If you’re considering keeping a frog or frogs as pets there are a few things you need to think about before you take the plunge and take ownership of a new amphibious friend. Many experts suggest that giving a home to a frog isn’t that different to getting a cat or a dog, and you wouldn’t get one of those without thinking about it first. Just because a frog is small, doesn’t mean it will be easy to care for.
Amphibians are specialist pets so as well as being prepared yourself, you need to know who’s going to look after your pet if you go on holiday. Do you have a friend or family member who’s willing to take care of your frog? Keeping a frog is very different from keeping a goldfish – they won’t survive for a few days on their own with a feeding block left in the tank, and they can live a long time. Some can live up to 15 years and one European Common Toad was recorded as getting to a grand old age of 40!
Some countries may even insist that you have a license in order to keep a frog. In Australia for example, there are very heavy fines imposed on those who keep frogs without the appropriate license. It’s therefore wise to check whether you need any paperwork in place before you get your first frog.
Make no mistake, keeping frogs can involve a lot of work. They need feeding regularly and they won’t settle for food you can pick up at the supermarket. Frogs will enjoy a variety of foods, but some types will enjoy a live bug or two. If you choose a type that eats live insects you have to consider where you are going to buy your bugs, and whether you’d be prepared to have the odd creepy crawly scuttling around the house. Some larger species of frog can even eat mice, which can sometimes be a less-than-pleasant experience. Those types that do feed on insects and mice will need their tank cleaning out regularly and thoroughly to prevent disease.
Housing your frog
Unlike other amphibians, frogs have the unique ability to adapt to most situations and environments and can live long and healthy lives in a terrarium or a pond, as long as they are given all of the care and attention they need.

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